Thursday, August 25, 2011


Who is Vincent Van Gogh?
1. Well to answer that were going to have to go back to his child hood years and explore throught out his artistic life.
The magnificent Van Gogh was born 1853, in Groot-Zundert, Holland.
However with his dad being a pastor, he was raised in a religious envirioment. Although he was sensitive , and not really self confidential, he had a gift no one else had in his lifetime. And thus he began painting in 1860. However for those years it didn’t turn out very pleasent for Van Gogh Likewise he had two bery dreary and unsuitable relationships. Furtermore he had two unsuccessful jobs, one as a clerk in a book store, and one as art sales man. Therefore thorought his whole misery Van Goh decided to travel to Belguim for art school to leart ingenious art, and thus his fame was born.

2.Vincent Van Goh was famous for many things, however his true gift
was the beauty of majestic art. And once with his beauty in art , his fame had risen tremendously.

3.Durin Vincent Van gogh time period many events happened ,but one featured even was the emancipation proclamation. The emancipation proclamation was a proclamation stating that all slaves be free and end slavery. Abraham Lincoln was behind the genuis contract.

4.Alta California became part of the United States in 1850 following the U.S. victory in the Mexican-American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. San Diego, still little more than a village, was incorporated as a city and was named the county seat of the newly established San Diego County

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


BG Glaucoma 8211
